Article 1 : Object

These terms of use legally govern the use of the website Constituting the contract between L'Ecritoire Paris and the User, access to the site must be preceded by the acceptance of these Terms. Access to this website signifies acceptance of these Terms.


Article 2 : Legal Notice

Company : SARL Etablissements Tardy L'Ecritoire

Address : 26 passage Molière 75003 Paris France

Phone : +33 (0) 1 42 78 01 18

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Website host : OVH

Company register : 57211010400021

VAT Number : FR05572110104


Article 3 :Access to the website 

The website is freely accessible from anywhere by any user with access to the Internet. All costs necessary for access to services (hardware, Internet connection ...) are the responsibility of the user.

For maintenance or other reasons, access to the site may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without notice or justification.


Article 4 : Personal Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation No 2016/679, the collection and processing of the data of the beneficiaries of the program shall respect the following principles: lawfulness, loyalty and transparency, limitation of purpose, minimization of collection and processing data, determined or determinable data retention period, integrity and confidentiality of the data collected and processed.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the European Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and the law n ° 78-17 relating to data, files and freedoms, you are invited to read our privacy policy.


Article 5 : Intellectual Property

The trademarks, logos and the contents of the website (graphic illustrations, texts, photographs ...) are protected by the Code of intellectual property and copyright.

Reproduction and copying of the content by the User requires prior authorization from the website and its owner In this case, any use for commercial purposes or for advertising purposes is prohibited.


Article 6 : Responsability

Although the information published on the site is considered reliable, the site reserves the faculty of a non-guarantee of the reliability of the sources.

The information published on the website is purely informative and has no contractual value. In spite of the regular updates, the responsibility of the site can not be engaged in case of modification of the administrative and legal provisions appearing after the publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of the information provided on the site.

The site declines all responsibility concerning the possible viruses which can infect the computer equipment of the User after the use or the access to this site.

The site can not be held responsible in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

The total guarantee of the security and the confidentiality of the data is not assured by the site. However, the site is committed to implementing all technical and organizational methods to achieve this.


Article 7 : Hypertext links

The site may consist of hypertext links. By clicking on these, the User will continue his navigation off the website. The latter has no control and can not be held responsible for the content of the web pages related to these links.


Article 8. Cookies

During visits to the site, the automatic installation of a cookie on the user's browser software may occur.

Cookies are small files temporarily stored on the hard disk of the User's computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the site. These files do not contain any personal information and can not be used for the identification of a person.

The information contained in cookies is used to improve browsing performance on L'Ecritoire Paris website.