Creative greeting cards from L'Ecritoire Paris
Nowadays even if a lot of thing are dematerialized, paper greetings cards are treasure.
With Internet, it was thought that greeting cards would disappear. And yet they are still beautiful and always punctuate the end of the year.
Today, it is no longer the handwritten distant thought, or the message slipped into the envelope that counts.. it is the artistic side of the card that seduces. Greeting cards have become in a few years a true gift with the power to light a spark of childlike joy in the eyes.
Our Parisian stationery L'Ecritoire offers each year embossed greeting cards, gilded, decorated with glitter, embroidered, laser cutted for a 3D effect and many other treasure to send even to collect.
Pretty little stories offered by hand, under the tree, framed to decorate and sometimes even travelling to the four corners of the wold. A gift letter that noes not throw itself in the trash of a mouse click, on which one can write by hand ... and maybe even with a quill...